Yes it may seem like an odd statement to make. Not to mention a pretty odd title for an article. But be that as it me, it is in fact…
What Women Want?
To be a woman is the most difficult task on earth, I often say this to people around me. A man can never understand the hardships, sufferings and bearings of…
Shumaila irfan
Impressive outstanding...
Sanaina Ali
Superb👍beutifully written and outstanding content❤loved it🌟...
Portrayal of Women by Media: Complexes vs Confidence
It is very disappointing to see how our media is presenting women these days. Women are a symbol of dignity and honor. They should not be presented as commodities. The…
Future of Pakistan in Hands of the Youth
Youth all over the world through history, has been a revolutionary force. It is the precious asset and opulence that can revive a nation going through hard time. Youth of…
Abdul Raheem
If the standard of youth development continues to be, what it is right now, then I suppose it w...
Sidrah Shah
If the country is to evolve from the current political turmoil, youth has to play a proactive r...
I am a Woman & I am a Camera
Yes it may seem like an odd statement to make. Not to mention a pretty odd title for an article. But be that as it me, it is in fact…
You've imprseesd us all with that posting!...
Women should not be accused of Flirting
Once upon a time I was wandering around the Internet when I came by an anti-women site .At first my head was burning and the next moment I felt flabbergasted….
Who is Responsible?
Violence against women and girls is a problem of pandemic magnitude around the globe. At least one out of every three women around the world has been the victim of…
Pious is the one who do not get a chance…
Who is pious? If we hear the word pious, the first thing that comes to our mind is religion. Certainly it is, but there are some other standards too. Girls…
Women Are From Venus
“Women are from Venus” is a very commonly used phrase to stereotype women. Stereotypes refer to individuals cognitions that typically do not correspond to reality. A stereotype is a picture…
So true ! there r some people ready to create problms for women and they r the real cowards who...
Sumaira Morkas
nicely wriiten :) oh n btw d reference to ur dear neighbour is well understood;) lolz...
Skin Whitening Creams – a blessing or a curse?
To start with, I have always been a Fair & Lovely person which I thought was my bulwark against the mockery of the world. My tanned complexion gave me inferiority…
v thought provoking article with a strong msg 4 society...good job...
Saira Zulfiqar
Thank you people. Love you all. :)...
Women Rights in the Light of Islam
Before the advent of Islam women were deprived from all the spiritual, social, economical, educational, legal and political rights. Women were considered a very low creature in comparison of men…